Integrated Diagnostics
Program Symposium

Please join us on Friday, October 28, 2022 from 8:30-12:30p for the Integrated Diagnostics Program Symposium, a free half-day event.

IDx Symposium 2022


The Integrated Diagnostics Shared Resource (https://idx.medsch.ucla.edu) is a multidisciplinary effort to collect, curate, and disseminate multi-scale, multi-modal datasets that integrate clinical, diagnostic imaging, digital pathomics, and tissue/blood biospecimens to support the development and validation of new biomarkers for early detection and diagnosis of cancer. Over the past eight years, the program has developed large radiology-pathology correlated imaging and tissue biobanks in prostate, lung, and breast cancer with emerging programs in kidney and liver.

We invite anyone interested in the intersection of cancer imaging, digital pathology, bioinformatics, and machine learning to learn more about the existing data resource and discuss needs and opportunities to evolve the program into a valuable multi-national resource. Activities will include an introduction to the Integrated Diagnostics Program, talks highlighting late-breaking research using multi-modal datasets, national initiatives to integrate and disseminate radiology-pathology data, networking opportunities, and interactive discussions.


Andrey Fedorov, PhD

Associate Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School
Surgical Planning Lab

Mirabela Rusu, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiology, Stanford University
Personalized Integrative Medicine Laboratory

Xianghong Jasmine Zhou, PhD

Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UCLA
The Zhou Lab

Kyung Sung, PhD

Associate Professor of Radiological Sciences, UCLA
The Sung Lab, Magnetic Resonance Research Labs


08:00 – 08:30 AM


08:30 – 08:40 AM

Welcome and opening remarks

08:40 – 09:00 AM

Overview of the Integrated Diagnostics Program

William Hsu, PhD

Director, Integrated Diagnostics Shared Resource

Associate Professor of Radiological Sciences, Bioinformatics, and Bioengineering

09:00 – 09:45 AM


The NCI Imaging Data Commons: Towards FAIR imaging data via standardization and openness for AI

Dr Andrey Fedorov, Harvard Medical School


09:45 – 10:15 AM

Coffee break

  • Poster Session
  • Networking
10:15 – 11:15 AM

Scientific talks: Discovery and validation of multi-modal biomarkers 

Improvement of radiology image interpretation through radiology-pathology fusion in urologic cancers

Mirabela Rusu, PhD


Using cell-free DNA methylome for early cancer detection

Xianghong Jasmine Zhou, PhD



Kyung Sung, PhD 

11:15 – 12:00 PM

Panel session: Infrastructure needs to support biomarker discovery and validation

Mirabela Rusu, PhD
Xianghong Jasmine Zhou, PhD
Kyung Sung, PhD
Andrey Fedorov, PhD


Moderator: Matt Brown, PhD

12:00 – 12:30 PM

Closing: Opportunities and next steps


Corey Arnold, PhD

Director, Computational Diagnostics and Vice Chair of Research, Radiological Sciences

Professor of Radiological Sciences, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine,
Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Bioengineering


Closing remarks
Dieter Enzmann, MD

Leo G. Rigler Chair

Department of Radiologic Sciences


UCLA Meyer & Renee Luskin Conference Center
425 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, California 90095
Optimist Room (2nd Floor)


If you have any questions related to this event, please contact bmaknouni@mednet.ucla.edu


The organizers gratefully acknowledge the support of the Department of Radiological Sciences and the UCLA Clinical & Translational Science Institute (National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences UCLA CTSI Grant UL1TR001881) for  sponsoring this program.

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